Friday, December 19, 2008
We get to see the boys
After spending 2 hrs. with the boys father at the therapist on 12-3 we finally got to see the boys with the therapist present on 12-9. It had been 5 months and 9 days since we had talked to them in person. The therapist is court appointed but she seems to be ok. We have been there before and the jury is still out on that. We saw them again at her office on 12-16 for about 40 min. after she had talked to the boys one at a time and then with us and the boys father together. The boys want to come to our house for overnight but their father objects so the will come to spend 8 hrs. with us on 12-26. After that they will start spending more time with us. I asked if we could go to the little boys school music program at school the next day and the boys father said no. I will add more after Christmas.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Case Plan Meeting
We had a case plan meeting this afternoon. It was about the same old thing with different players. The only one of the old crew was the guy who visits the boys. The CSO (court officer)was there for the first time. The boys were not allowed to attend. Court orders you know. I would have thought there was enough people there to protect them from us. Now we wait for the therapist.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Appeal Denied
On July 29th I sent a "report of alleged violation" to the Behavioral Sicences Board with a mound of evidence of wrong doing by the case manager and the family therapist. Today I called the Special Investigator to ask about the status of the investigation. I got a call back from one of the underlings who said it was turned over to the review committee yesterday and they dismissed it. Now we must find a new route, and we will.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
We see the therapist
We went to see the court appointed therapist this morning. Things may be looking up. She seems to be down to earth and has common sense, a quality that seems to be in short supply in that profession. One thing we had in common is none of us knew why we were there. She is going to check with the court and see if they know and get back with us.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Youthville Confession
We visted with our state representative last Friday about our problems getting to see the boys. We got a call yesterday from an upper level manager at Youthville. He said he had a call from the state representative and he wanted to hear our side of how we were treated. Before I could start he told me the case manager had been fired and during the conversation he indicated the foster parents in Lyons are no longer foster parents. He said he had talked to several people that we had dealing with at Youthville and they had nothing but good things to say about us. He said the case manager shouldn't have made the recomendation that we have supervised visits. He was sorry we had to go through all this but there is nothing they can do about it now. I suggested they go back to court and tell the judge what he had told me and he said "Oh no,we couldn't do that". So us and the boys go on paying for the state and there contractors mistakes. One good thing came out of the conversation. When I told Ruby the case manager had been fired she giggled and did a little dance. I was afraid she would break something.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
We have an appointment
I am running behind on my entries. We finally have an appointment with a therapist. We get to see her on October 7, 2008. That is only 9 weeks since the court ordered it. Not bad for the court system. We haven't seen the boys since July 1 when we took them to buy fireworks and Youthville had a fit about that. We are hearing stories from friends that have seen them a few times and we are real concerned. There was an article in the Wichita Eagle this morning about so many children being killed by parents and care givers. Somebody at SRS needs to take their head out of their butt and look at what their contractors are doing.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
We get a counselor - maybe
We got an email from our attorney last friday and he said the court has appointed a counselor to see us. I called her friday and the answering service said they are closed on friday. I called again on monday and the lady who answered the phone said they don't see court assigned cases but she would have the counselor call us. Now we wait again.
Friday, August 8, 2008
We get therapy
We went to juvenile court yesterday to see if the judge would let us see the boys without supervision like Youthville wanted. Youthville was supposed to set up our visits and mediation but as usual they didn't do what the tax payers are paying them for. since we aren't getting along with the boys dad-and that is true-the judge ordered us to have therapudic visits with the boys and group therapy with their dad.
Maybe this is a good thing. We hope when we get with a 3rd party we can find out what has made him so angry with us.
Maybe this is a good thing. We hope when we get with a 3rd party we can find out what has made him so angry with us.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Back to court we go
Last night we received an email from the Youthville wannabe case manager. Following is a brief outline of that email.
She basically said since we went over her head to see the boys, all of our visits will now be supervised. The only reason we went to court was because SRS was supposed to set up our visits but they turned it over to the boys dad who refursed to let us see them at all. These little boys lived with us for the best 10 months of ther lives and now Youthville is spending tax money not for the good of the kids but to show us how tough they are.
This morning we told our lawyer to go ahead and file in juvenile court.
She basically said since we went over her head to see the boys, all of our visits will now be supervised. The only reason we went to court was because SRS was supposed to set up our visits but they turned it over to the boys dad who refursed to let us see them at all. These little boys lived with us for the best 10 months of ther lives and now Youthville is spending tax money not for the good of the kids but to show us how tough they are.
This morning we told our lawyer to go ahead and file in juvenile court.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
We go to court
After paying a very good lawyer $1500 we went to court yesterday. We get to have the boys over from 12:00 to 6:00 the 3rd Saturday of every month. Hey that's better than we had after waiting for Youthville to do the job the tax payers are paying them for. I don't think we are getting our moneys worth. We have plans to start a new group to run them out of town. Stand by for future announcements.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Child after Youthville Foster care
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Family Consultation Service
This is an organization owned by Youthville which is owned by the United Methodist Church and stocked with Therapists of questionable ability. Most children in Youthville custody have been ordered to have counseling. Since most are on Medicaid they are sent to Family Consulation Service. The bill is paid by the tax payers. Beats the collection plate. Since our grandkids have been going there I have started to question the value of counseling.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The boys are taken
On May 4, 2007 , the same night as the Greensburg tornado, our 2 youngest grand children were picked up by the Wichita police because they were being abused by their father, and taken to the children's home. The week before the oldest one had asked us if they could come live us with so we just assumed SRS would recommend they come to us. That was our first mistake. You must never think SRS will do anything. We were notified the next Monday that a hearing would be held on Wednesday and we were to come. We fixed up their room and Grandma prepared their favorite food because we just knew they would come home with us. Mistake#2. We talked to them about a min. and they took them away. After the hearing-that's a pretty loose term in juvenile court-they informed us the boys had been assigned to Youthville and sent to a "foster home in Lyons". We would be allowed a 1 hr. supervised visit once a month.
That was the first time we had heard of Youthville and it was the worst day of our lives. After Kansas House Member Delia Garcia called Youthville a couple of times and they didn't respond we retained an Attorney. After writing him a rather large check he was able to get the boys back with us on July 19, 2007.
The little boy has red curly hair and his foster mother didn't like it. A few days before they came to us she took him to the barber shop and had it all cut off then sent him to the swimming pool. Before his hair was cut his ears were shaded by his hair. When he came back his ears were blistered. She held him down and broke the blisters with a needle and poured proxide on them. When he came to us his ears were still bleeding. They went swimming many days and never used sun screen. She said they didn't need it. Another little boy was in the same foster home that had beaten another boy with a baseball bat. The foster parents fixed one meal for the kids and another for themselves. A favorite for the kids was spaghetti with catsup for sauce. The little one loves catsup and he loved it. The older one went with dessert which was jello. They slept on the second floor of an old 2 story frame house with no fire escape. Youthville called that a better place for them to live than with Grandma and Grandpa who had always been there for them.
After the boys came to live with us we started to find out a little about how the juvenile justice system works. As one attorney said " it doesn't". A short time after they went into foster care they had a case plan meeting. That is held at Youthville and they set up a plan. During the meeting grandparents should be seen and not heard. The plan is to return them to the person that abused them within 1 year. There are a number of rules but all but one can be broken. The one they must never beak is to never-never let the judge talk to the grandparents. They are noted for telling the truth and the truth creates problems with the plan. The plan called for the boys to receive counseling. Youthville kept saying "the boys will be going home soon but the counselor said no. After a while it became aparent a change would need to be made to meet the dead line. To do this they sent them to family counseling against court order. The family counselor was the same one who had been counseling their father. The little boy cried all through the first 2 sessions and then slept through the rest but time was running out. The year was running out.
On April 10, 2008 they had another hearing. We had our attorney there and we were there but we were given no chance to have input. That could delay the plan-the truth factor-you know.
The judge said the boys go home to their father today. We were given 8 hours to get them packed and get them home.
I could bore you with details but the point I am trying to make is our children in foster care are sometimes being abused as much as they were at home. Our granddaughter interviewed for a job at Youthville when she graduated from WSU and they offered her less money than she was making as a receptionist at a real estate office. There in lies the main problem. The pay is so low the people they hire are not the best. When they hold meetings they aren't smart enough to conduct a meeting so they are arrogant and try to intimidate anyone who ask the wrong question. The wrong questions being one that might hold up the plan.Yesterday we were at the final meeting and everytime we said anthing the case manager would say"are you threating me"even if we weren't talking to her. A half hour into the meeting we were ordered to leave.
If you have a child taken by SRS the only hope you have is to retain the best attorney you can find before the first hearing. You say you can't afford it. That is what they plan on.
The court must stop sending these cases to Youthville. The court system must be revamped so families have input instead of Youthville telling the judge what to do and he rubber stamps it
One more thing. The real name for Youthville is United Methodist Youthville. We know a lot of good people who are Methodist and I would hope you would take more of an interest in what you have created.
That was the first time we had heard of Youthville and it was the worst day of our lives. After Kansas House Member Delia Garcia called Youthville a couple of times and they didn't respond we retained an Attorney. After writing him a rather large check he was able to get the boys back with us on July 19, 2007.
The little boy has red curly hair and his foster mother didn't like it. A few days before they came to us she took him to the barber shop and had it all cut off then sent him to the swimming pool. Before his hair was cut his ears were shaded by his hair. When he came back his ears were blistered. She held him down and broke the blisters with a needle and poured proxide on them. When he came to us his ears were still bleeding. They went swimming many days and never used sun screen. She said they didn't need it. Another little boy was in the same foster home that had beaten another boy with a baseball bat. The foster parents fixed one meal for the kids and another for themselves. A favorite for the kids was spaghetti with catsup for sauce. The little one loves catsup and he loved it. The older one went with dessert which was jello. They slept on the second floor of an old 2 story frame house with no fire escape. Youthville called that a better place for them to live than with Grandma and Grandpa who had always been there for them.
After the boys came to live with us we started to find out a little about how the juvenile justice system works. As one attorney said " it doesn't". A short time after they went into foster care they had a case plan meeting. That is held at Youthville and they set up a plan. During the meeting grandparents should be seen and not heard. The plan is to return them to the person that abused them within 1 year. There are a number of rules but all but one can be broken. The one they must never beak is to never-never let the judge talk to the grandparents. They are noted for telling the truth and the truth creates problems with the plan. The plan called for the boys to receive counseling. Youthville kept saying "the boys will be going home soon but the counselor said no. After a while it became aparent a change would need to be made to meet the dead line. To do this they sent them to family counseling against court order. The family counselor was the same one who had been counseling their father. The little boy cried all through the first 2 sessions and then slept through the rest but time was running out. The year was running out.
On April 10, 2008 they had another hearing. We had our attorney there and we were there but we were given no chance to have input. That could delay the plan-the truth factor-you know.
The judge said the boys go home to their father today. We were given 8 hours to get them packed and get them home.
I could bore you with details but the point I am trying to make is our children in foster care are sometimes being abused as much as they were at home. Our granddaughter interviewed for a job at Youthville when she graduated from WSU and they offered her less money than she was making as a receptionist at a real estate office. There in lies the main problem. The pay is so low the people they hire are not the best. When they hold meetings they aren't smart enough to conduct a meeting so they are arrogant and try to intimidate anyone who ask the wrong question. The wrong questions being one that might hold up the plan.Yesterday we were at the final meeting and everytime we said anthing the case manager would say"are you threating me"even if we weren't talking to her. A half hour into the meeting we were ordered to leave.
If you have a child taken by SRS the only hope you have is to retain the best attorney you can find before the first hearing. You say you can't afford it. That is what they plan on.
The court must stop sending these cases to Youthville. The court system must be revamped so families have input instead of Youthville telling the judge what to do and he rubber stamps it
One more thing. The real name for Youthville is United Methodist Youthville. We know a lot of good people who are Methodist and I would hope you would take more of an interest in what you have created.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
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